First Lutheran Care ministry
Caring for God’s people is what God calls everyone to do! First Lutheran's Care Ministry works to care for those in our community through visits, bringing communion in homes, and prayer.

Prayer Shawls
Prayer Shawls are made by members of our community to be given to those in our community who are in need of prayers.

Prayer Ministry
Prayer is a powerful weapon and we can all agree that we can all use some prayer. Anyone can be a prayer partner by contacting our church office to be added to the list. When someone in our community is in need of prayer you will be contacted to assist in offering prayers.

CARE Partners
Be a Care Partner at First Lutheran Church. Visit with members of our community that are living in assisted living communities, or are homebound.

Meal Train
When members of our community are in need you can volunteer to join a Meal Train by contacting the Church office.